We have crossed almost two decades of 21st Century. The transition from generation X to generation Y changed the approach of doing their work and living. But the transition from generation Y to generation Z is changing the way we work.

Generation X people use to go to high schools with their books in their hands, enter the school mart their attendance in the registers. A step later, the generation Y use to go to school, with laptops in their hands and enter the class with their biometric attendance. Now, generation Z has virtual classes and schools are offering them entire study material fit into a DYOD (Develop Your Own Device). This is the effect of the 4th Industrial revolution and IIoT is the fueling it. Let us see the history of Industrial revolutions and see how IIoT Solutions resembles the latest industrial revolution.

First Industrial Revolution

Minimized human to human working culture and brought human close to machines. It replaced agriculture with industry as prior source of economy. Development of steam energy triggered this process and worked as a catalyst. The inception of rail routes at this time helped the human and material exchange to be fast with easy.

Second Industrial Revolution

Minimized the role of machinery and introduced human to Industries. The role of Gas, Oil and Electricity played a vital role in setting it up as a base of a human livelihood. In this time, the new methods of communication with telegraph and telephone came into the existence. Now also, the speed of transportation had an acceleration with the invention of planes and the automobile. The large factories were the players of economic source.

Third Industrial Revolution

This minimized the role of manual work in industries and brought human closer to electronics. With this phase in the picture, nuclear energy became the driving force of it. Use of computers and robots took place in this span. During the same time, new innovations and researches, notably in the field of space and biotechnology nurtured.

Fourth Industrial Revolution

This revolution minimizes the role of humans itself and setting them behind to manage things at front through the internet. It is empowering things to work upon sensors, think upon algorithms and decide upon artificial intelligence. Now, the internet is working as a fundamental need of all operation and IIoT helps the internet to create a nexus and work. This way, it reduces human efforts, makes work with intelligence.

Industrial IoT Services: The Driving Force of 4th Industrial Revolution

Internet of Things is changing the pictures of human life entirely. You wake at midnight and go to the kitchen to drink water, IoT sensors will turn on lights for you automatically. Or at your workplace, when your printer is about to exhaust with its ink, it will notify you in advance that it needs a refill.

IIoT is the key player in the transition of the Fourth Industrial revolution. Key player because it has all the trait to transform the industrial process and take it to the next level of a supreme modern process. Its ability to save manpower, cut cost, give convenience to human livelihood. Moreover, it works 360 degrees in all fields. Whether it is an industry, house or anywhere else, it will benefit you in all direction.

Hence, you can say that we are playing a crucial role in bringing the 4th industrial revolution. We are doing it by being handy with tech tools and enhancing the performance of it. So, what are you waiting for? Get the best out of your business by making it IIoT friendly. If you have any query or need any assistance to build an IIoT Solution, feel free to connect with us. We will be happy to help you.